OFFICE NO. (502) 228-7717
Expert and Professional

Free Cost Inspection


1600 Hialeah Ct. Oldham County KY 40026

Skylight Installation and Repair

Do you have any questions?

If you’re looking for quality work in Oldham County and Louisville, KY, call 502-228-7717 and let the experts at Assurance Roofing keep you warm, cozy, and safe.

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At Assurance Roofing

Skylight Installation and Repair

Our owner, Mark Cox, is the area’s leading installer of Velux Skylights. We can improve your home with these fantastic products! Almost any home can benefit from more natural light! Call Mark today for a free estimate and consultation.

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Skylight Installation and Repair

Many homes suffer from a lack of light, and while installing extra track lighting or buying floor lamps is one solution, you should consider a more natural option. Skylight installation is a beautiful and cost-effective way to improve the level of light in your home. The professionals at Assurance Roofing are experienced in quality, affordable skylight installation in your Oldham County and Louisville, KY home.

Professional Skylight Installation Service

Skylight installation is a process that requires professional skill and quality service for completion. It is always a good idea to have an expert local contractor go to work for you, as the skylight installation takes place on your roof and can be dangerous. When you choose Assurance Roofing for your skylight installation, our contractors start by examining your roof. We check the slope and structure of your roof and discuss your options with you. Our skylight installations are high quality and are completed with proper flashing and insulation, meaning you get the natural light your home needs and are protected against leaks. We are your source for expert skylight installation services.

Repairing Your Current Skylight

If you already have a skylight you may be concerned about it leaking water or air into your home. A leak can cause damage to your roof, insulation, and siding. We can re-seal it and make sure your home and roof are protected from the elements.

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